Was ist ein Zine?

"A zine is a handmade magazine or mini-comic about anything you can imagine: favorite bands, personal stories, subcultures, or collections. They contain diary entries, rants, interviews, and stories. They can be by one person or many, found in stores, traded at comic conventions, exchanged with friends, or given away for free. Zines are not a new idea: they’ve been around for years under various names (chapbooks, flyers, pamphlets). People with independent ideas have been getting their word out since before there were printing presses."
Mark Todd - Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?


Die Schwarmintelligenz. Ich trage Inhalte zusammen, die im Kollektiv entstanden sind.


Ratschläge sind auch Schläge


Why Zines Zine: A How-to FotoStory